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By Aleksanteri
Category: Meteor Maps

Single player.

The zip file contains additonal files.
Copy SBAL.spr to base\sprites
Copy BSHOOTER.rac to base\races (3KB)
By PetiX
Category: Meteor 2 Mods

description: A less violent approach of playing M2. (^^,)

Kawaii (135KB)
By Papercut
Category: Meteor Mods

Mod for Meteor based on the game 'Portal'! Shoot one wall, then shoot another, and you can teleport between the two walls! Comes with 4 maps and directions on how to successfully make your own portal maps.

Extra maps are also available for this mod...

Dr's Portal by Dark Rain:

Portal5 by Mrazerty: (290 KB)
Bad's Headbase
By Ilander
Category: Meteor Maps

This is another cool storm the base style mission, with enough baddies to keep you busy for a while! (3KB)
By Spy
Category: Mowteor Maps (1 KB)
The Dark Planet
By DarkRain
Category: Meteor Mods

This is a awesome meteor mod with a few hours of gameplay. Although this mod starts with easy levels and draws you in it will supprise you with some rather challenging battles. It even includes a maze of death to keep you puzzled for ages.

The Dark (9MB)
By Mrazerty
Category: Meteor Maps

Nice work by Mrazerty, this is an add-on for Papercut's Portal mod.

This map requires Papercut's Portal mod.

Place the map in portal\base\maps. (1 KB)
Afghanistan (v2)
By me_mantis (Paul the Great)
Category: Meteor Mods

This mod is a total conversion, well OK its basically a whole new game! Here are just some of the features: Loads of new enemies, plenty of new weapons, 18 single player missions, 41 multiplayer maps, new soundtrack, new sounds, new tiles!

Meteor_Afghanistan_v2.exe (9.07MB)
By Canuck
Category: Meteor 2 Maps

Here's a map I figured I'd put up here. It's basically just a chase where you have to get to the end of a winding road on a rocket bike with a bunch of bad guys, humvees, other rocket bikes, heavy tanks, helicopters, etc. shooting at you. It's pretty hard!

Forum Thread: (19 KB)
The Brain
By Zable Fair
Category: Meteor Maps

Greetings, Commander. Intelligence has reported that an enemy
command post has been found hidden in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The command post contains a supercomputer called The Brain that
contains vital information we must have. We have sent
spies to infiltrate the command post, but they have been
unsucessful. We believe that some of our spies are being held
captive in their prison cells. It is now up to you.

This map uses a custom tileset.
Copy thebrain.til to base\tiles (11KB)